_14th_ _Of_ _December_ _2018_

 *The Fuoye community related matters committee* held a meeting yesterday , Wednesday 12th of December 2018.
The committee was formulated to always see to all arising and tensing issues within Oye community which some pressing issues and achievements have been made as signed according to the last student union executives.
     The committee comprises of the *Oye Youth President*
*D.P.O Oye Police Station*
*Oye Progressive Union President*
*Fuoyesu Executives*
*Bike men Association Rep.*
*Cab men Association Rep*
*C.S.O Office duely represented*
*Students Affairs Division*
*In which The Oloye Of Oye is the chairman of the committee.*

   The meeting was been held at the Oloye's Palace in which three important issues were being  discussed.
Which are the Hike in accommodation fee within Oye community, Review of the Cab Price and Security.

 *The OPU President* made it known that series of effort have been made to see to the reduction of Accommodation prices, he said the institution is not encouraging a reduction as the unencouraging price of the school hostel has made eager the landlords/hostel owners to increase their apartments without consideration while addressing he said the community can curb to an extent via pleading with her people and their is little they can do to non indigenes who has Hostel{s} in their community and before anything can be done on the accommodation fee all house owners/caretakers contact should be gotten so as to call them for a meeting to discuss and to  "plead/consolidate" to them because the community can't be a determinant of how much the owner of a house will rent out his/her house.

 *The Student Union President*  and his Co-executives Present appreciated the committees effort towards the start up of bringing a mutual understanding within the community. They made the Committee understand that the review is highly necessary so as to bring relieve and comfortability to everyone residing in the community. During their series of speeches they made it known that they already took their step with the school management as well, which they are assured should bring positive results. They also made it known that necessary measures will be taken in getting the landlords/hostel owners contact so as to fast track the meeting with them for mutual reasoning.
2>> Series of constructive arguments and discussion were made concerning the cab prices and An agreement is yet to be reached for the Cab price for the forthcoming Session as the Student Union Executives stood their ground on a reduction of the cab fee from the school junction to phase two and extensions at a cheaper and considerable rate while the Cab Executives stood their ground on no reduction after much argument and pleading from the committee, the cab executives Should consider the students the cab executives made it known that they can't conclude now but get back to the fuoye community related matters committee; thus no conclusion was made.
*_Update Coming as soon as we reach any agreement._*

3>> Students Security and safety were being discussed as the OPU President said different steps and measures have been made on the students security but the students needs to help the community by ensuring they adhere to safety rules. The Dss official and other security enforcement agent present beseech the students union leaders to plead their students to desist from irregularities and cooperate with them as they would work for their safety and security. The motorcycle Executive president was later enjoined to get all his members registered and ensured to work with their uniform with immediate effect *and movement of motorcycles will be restricted by 10:00pm* . Other safety measures were being discussed as the meeting came to a halt.

In View of this,
   We the Students Union Executives beseech all our students to abstain from spreading rumors or attacking ourselves or blaming ourselves but to put on a armor of unity, love and *Prayer for FUOYESU because we all are the Union.*

And more updates will be sent genuinely as we work on getting the students welfarism improved

*Dear to struggle!*
*Dear to Win ✊*


      *Awodola Oluwaseun Samuel*

    *Mohammed Ilyas*



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